Senator Jeff Sessions (Alabama)

You sir, would need to climb a ladder in order to reach the level of whale poop... Now stop flinging boogers at everyone you mentally deficient parasite.
Having more ups and downs than a narcoleptic elevator repair man during kangaroo mating season.
Heh! How about "Obama's health care plan sucks because:
1) He sucks!
B) He is two foots talluh than me.
3) Uhhhh...his fingers are small enough to pick a booger.
6) Uhhhh...his nostrils areuuuu...big enough to get my finguhs in.
C) He wears good ties.
7) Uhhhh...he's a afuhmuativvv akshun wannabeee from Kenyuh!
B) Uhhhh..."
Okay, I know that's pretty lame, Sully. But I gave it my best shot.
I see great insults in your future grasshopper....
Dunno Sully! It's gonna take a lot of practice. Right now, I'm going to the Sully School...and I'm takin' notes.
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