Senator Daniel K. Inouye (Hawaii)
First Lt. Daniel K. Inouye,now a U.S. senator, was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism on April 21, 1945, in the vicinity of San Terenzo, Italy. While attacking a defended ridge guarding an important road junction, Inouye directed his platoon through a hail of automatic weapons and small arms fire to capture an artillery and mortar post and brought his men to within 40 yards of the hostile force. The enemy, emplaced in bunkers and rock formations, halted the advance with crossfire from three machine guns. Inouye boldly crawled up the treacherous slope to within five yards of the nearest machine gun and hurled two grenades, destroying it. Before the enemy could retaliate, he stood up and neutralized a second machine gun nest with submachine gun fire. Although wounded by a sniper's bullet, he continued to engage other hostile positions at close range until an exploding grenade shattered his right arm. Despite intense pain, he refused evacuation and continued to direct his platoon until enemy resistance was broken and his men were again deployed in defensive positions.
H/T R. Williams
Take a good look.... This is what a hero looks like. It's a shame he has to spend his day job with such scumbags.
"It's a shame he has to spend his day job with such scumbags."
Damn right, Sully! I have known of the bravery of Daniel for many years. Interestingly, he reminds me a great deal of a man I came to know when I lived near Durango, Colorado.
We lived in Ignacio (on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation). I became acquainted with an old Ute fellow named Carl Baker. Long stories...but we got to be friends. I did not know until after he died that he was one of the most decorated American Indians of WWII. He never talked about it...never mentioned his service in Europe...nothing.
I didn't know how often I had been in the presence of greatness, until that greatness had expired.
Good post. It's a shame...
I had the good fortune to grow up among heros... They're always quiet about their experience.
One of these days I need get motivated to write about them.
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