Awesome New Live Video Single by Antoine Boyer: "Century Old"
Incredible playing, in a tribute to Django Reignhardt. Reminds me a bit of
Julian Lage (which is high praise indeed). "Century Old" - single 2/9 of my
18 hours ago
Buenos dias!
Over Macho Grande?
Was Macho Grande his burro?
I remember the commercials where they were selling Colombian coffee, and everywhere the person went in the house, there was Juan with his burro, and every time he'd say "Buenos Dias".
I think when I pulled back the shower curtain and found a Latin dude with his pack animal, the shit would have hit the fan.
It's an Airplane line. Oh God, you just reminded me of a disturbing album cover I posted a while back.
I'll see if I can re-post it.
I think my reaction to finding a Colombian man with burro in my shower would be to throw toasters at him.
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