Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #30
Dear Cambodia, when people sing songs about taking a holiday there, they're just kidding.
I thought you should know that.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Bob Mould: 'I'm Sorry, Baby
I saw Bob live about a decade ago... I was in the second row of a small club in Boston and I fell asleep. I suck. Sorry Bob.
Once You Go 2D...
OK, I admit it, these are the top ten cartoon women I've lusted after... Smurfette just didn't do it for me.

I so would have rocked the Mystery Machine with her...

If Hugh Hefner were to create a cartoon, this would be it.

Eye eye captain...

Peter is the luckiest fat man in Rhode Island

Just think of the filthy possibilities...

I just kill Spiderman and she's all mine.

I would have guessed 10.

This ones for you MJ.

#2 Jessica Rabbit
How could she not be on this list.

Hey, I always thought she was way hotter than Wilma.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #28
With lots of fuzz,
But Burma's no peach,
And never wuz.
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I'd like to thank MJenks of Vita Brevis for taking the "B's"
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Mrs. Slocombes Pussy
I just never get tired of this gag.... If I ever get a cat, I'm naming it Mrs. Slocombe.
Insulting Every Country on Earth #27
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #26
Friday, July 23, 2010
SD Comic-con Westboro Baptist counter protest
OK, so Fred Phelps took his side-show to San Diego where his minions decided to protest Comi-Con 2010.... This is the best counter protest yet!!! Enjoy.
For more, look here:
For more, look here:
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Man Who Threatened "South Park" Arrested

(From The Smoking Gun)
Virginian, 20, charged with supporting overseas terrorist group
JULY 21--The Virginia man who this year threatened the creators of "South Park" over an episode featuring the Prophet Muhammad dressed in a bear suit, was arrested today on federal charges after speaking openly to the FBI about his connection to a terror organization and his plans to travel overseas to fight with the group. Zachary Chesser, 20, was charged with providing material support to Al-Shabaab, a terror group affiliated with al-Qaeda. According to the below affidavit sworn by FBI Agent Mary Brandt Kinder, Chesser, a convert to Islam, spoke at length with agents about his attempts to travel to Kenya and Somalia to join Al-Shabaab and his devotion to jihad, which has included his operation of web sites and a You Tube channel stocked with jihadi propaganda. Through the site, Chesser remarked in April that "South Park" creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker would "probably end up" like a Dutch filmmaker who was murdered in retaliation for a film critical of the treatment of Islamic women. Along with focusing the public's attention on his extremist beliefs, Chesser's "South Park" threat resulted in fallout within his family. After his mother received death threats following the "South Park" remarks, Chesser told the FBI, "he was no longer on speaking terms with his parents." During one of his interviews with federal agents, Chesser explained how he came up with the YouTube user ID, LearnTeachFightDie: "learn Islam, teach Islam, fight for Islam, and die in the name of Islam."
Full story here
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #24
Too many thongs, not enough nice asses to put in them.
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I'd like to thank MJenks of Vita Brevis for taking the "B's"
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #23
Monday, July 19, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #22
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #21
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #20
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I'd like to thank MJenks of Vita Brevis for taking the "B's"
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #19

Conquered and ruled by the French. That should be insult enough. I can't understand why you didn't stick with the name "Dahomey".
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I'd like to thank MJenks of Vita Brevis for taking the "B's"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #18
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I'd like to thank MJenks of Vita Brevis for taking the "B's"
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Insulting Every Country on Earth #17

Caesar referred to the Belgians as "the bravest of all the Gauls", which really isn't saying much.
Belgium: 50% French, 50% Dutch, 100% Foul.
Belgium: Leading the world in "Brewer's Droop" since the 17th century!
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I'd like to thank MJenks of Vita Brevis for taking the "B's
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Sci-Fi Hotties Updated
OK, with MJ taking the B's on the insults, I've decided to do something useful with my time. I give you the hottest sci-fi hotties... (let me know if I missed anyone.. it's a work in progress...)

Pamela Hensley as Princess Ardala in Buck Rogers
Virginia Hey as Zhaan in Farscape... she was also in The Road Warrior
Rebecca Romijn as Mystique while we're on a blue theme.

The one and only Lynda Carter... (make that two and only...)

Winona Ryder was in Alien Resurrection and I think she had that same haircut... yeah.. the hair.

Malin Akerman as the Silk Spectre in Watchmen

Uma was outstanding in Gattica... Great movie if you haven't seen it.
Tricia Helfer in all her Cylon glory.
Thandie Newton from Riddik

Terry Farrell as Dax from Star Trek DS9

Sigourney Weaver = Alien Killer.

Sean Young smokin hottie in Bladerunner.

Scarlett Johannson in Iron Man 2
Salma Hayek .... ummmm... she was in a couple of vampire movies. (close enough for me.)
Rachel Bilson was in Jumper.
Rachel Weisz from The Mummy and Constantine... lucky snake.
Natasha Henstridge was a super-sexy alien in Species.

Morena Baccarin made me drool a lot in Firefly...

Monica Belucci was in the Matrix Revolutions for a few minutes... (works for me!!!)

Milla Jovovich is the current Sci Fi queen of hottness... Love this outfit from The 5'th Element
Marina Sirtis as Troi in Star Trek TNG.

Lexa Doig from Stargate SG1 and Andromeda.
Dr. Who's latest squeeze... Karen Gillian

Jolene Blalock without the pointy ears... Sexiest Vulcan ever!!!!

While we're on a Trek theme... Jeri Ryan as Seven.

Yvonne Craig as slave girl Marta in the original Trek
And her re-boot :)
Heather Graham was in Lost in Space, but she was wearing something else...

Grace Thorsen from My name is Bruce

Christina Hendricks was in a few episodes of Firefly... you're welcome.

Charlize Theron from Aeon Flux

Daryll Hannah as Priss in Bladerunner
Billie Piper as Rose Tyler in Dr. Who.
Claudia Black from Farscape... Stargate too.
Denise Richards is still sexy while being impaled by a bug in Starship Troopers.
Xenia Seeberg from Lexx
Ornella Muti as Princess Aura in Flash Gordon.
Anne Francis from Forbidden Planet

The lovely Farrah Fawcett adorned my walls as a lad. She graced the big screen in Logans Run.
Jenny Agutter as Jessica 6 shared the screen with Farrah in Logans Run.

Kirstie Alley in Star Trek 2... She wept in the film... I wept when she started dating Jenny Craig.
And how could you miss Raquel Welch from "Fantastic Voyage".. Good point!!!
While we're on the subject of missing people... Ahhhh my moment of bliss....
Linda Hamilton is packin!!!!! in Terminator

Iman as Martia in Star Trek Six I think...
Catherine Schell as Maya in Space 1999

Persis Khambatta as Ilia in Star Trek, The Motion Picture.

Pamela Hensley as Princess Ardala in Buck Rogers

The one and only Lynda Carter... (make that two and only...)

Winona Ryder was in Alien Resurrection and I think she had that same haircut... yeah.. the hair.

Malin Akerman as the Silk Spectre in Watchmen

Uma was outstanding in Gattica... Great movie if you haven't seen it.

Terry Farrell as Dax from Star Trek DS9

Sigourney Weaver = Alien Killer.

Sean Young smokin hottie in Bladerunner.

Scarlett Johannson in Iron Man 2

Morena Baccarin made me drool a lot in Firefly...

Monica Belucci was in the Matrix Revolutions for a few minutes... (works for me!!!)

Milla Jovovich is the current Sci Fi queen of hottness... Love this outfit from The 5'th Element

Lexa Doig from Stargate SG1 and Andromeda.

Jolene Blalock without the pointy ears... Sexiest Vulcan ever!!!!

While we're on a Trek theme... Jeri Ryan as Seven.

Yvonne Craig as slave girl Marta in the original Trek

Grace Thorsen from My name is Bruce

Christina Hendricks was in a few episodes of Firefly... you're welcome.

Charlize Theron from Aeon Flux

Daryll Hannah as Priss in Bladerunner

Xenia Seeberg from Lexx

The lovely Farrah Fawcett adorned my walls as a lad. She graced the big screen in Logans Run.

Kirstie Alley in Star Trek 2... She wept in the film... I wept when she started dating Jenny Craig.

Shame on me...

Iman as Martia in Star Trek Six I think...

Persis Khambatta as Ilia in Star Trek, The Motion Picture.
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