Beatitudes For The Aged
by Ester Mary Walker
Blessed are theyWho understandMy faltering stepAnd palsied hand.
Blessed are theyWho know todayMy ears must strainTo catch what they say.
Blessed are theyWho seem to knowMy eyes are dimand my wits are slow.
Blessed are theyThat looked awayWhen coffee spilledAt the table today.
Blessed are theyWith a cheery smileWho stop to chatFor a little while.
Blessed are theyWho never say,"You've told me that storyTwice today."
Blessed are theyWho know the waysTo bring back memoriesOf yesterdays.
Blessed are theyWho make it knownThat I'm loved, respected,And not alone.
Blessed are theyWho know I'm at a lossTo find the strengthTo carry the cross.
Blessed are theyWho ease the daysOn my journey HomeIn loving ways.